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—ヒロシさんが世界的にレアなモノをまた手に入れたとの噂が入ったので、今日はインタビューにお伺いしました。それは、《レンジローバー》ブランドの最高級車種にしてフルモデルチェンジを果たした“RANGE ROVER VOGUE”ということですが、いつ頃から目をつけていて、いつ購入したんですか?

発表されたのは確か2年ほど前。当初は海外でしか買えなかったんだけど、日本からでも特別にオーダーさせてくれるっていうことですぐにオーダーして、納品されたのは3ヵ月くらい前かな。それまでは《レンジローバー》に乗ったことがなくて、さらに届くまですごく時間がかかるっていうんで、その前に“RANGE ROVER SPORT”で試乗してみようと思って、そしたらとにかく速くてスムーズ、あまりの快適さに驚いた。

His official title is “music producer.” But in actuality, he continues to be the most advanced in not only Tokyo, but the world’s creative field, fashion industry, as well as the street scene. A general image of Hiroshi Fujiwara would be a person that transcends their occupation, and does not really know what they do. So for that reason, I would like to ask him about what he is addicted to and his creativity overall.

—Upon hearing a rumor that you, Hiroshi, have obtained something that is rare worldwide, I’m here today to interview you. It is that the luxury car brand Range Rover has undergone a full model change, called “Range Rover Vogue,” - when did you take notice of it, and when did you buy it?

It was announced I believe two years ago. At first you could only purchase it overseas, but I ordered it as soon as it could be ordered specially from Japan, they delivered it about three months ago. At that point I had never ridden a Range Rover, and it was going to take time for it to be delivered, so I thought I would test-drive a Range Rover Sport beforehand. And then I was shocked how fast, smooth, and comfortable it was.

—ヒロシさんが今まで乗り継いできた車や現在所有している車は、“スリーポイントスター”が外されていたり、オールマットブラックのカラーリングだったり、オリジナルにD.I.Y.されていると聞きますが、“RANGE ROVER VOGUE”にはどんなアレンジを加えているんですか?


photo01 —車の車種を選ぶことやカスタマイズすることは、モノ作りとリンクしていたりしますか?たとえば、クリエイションする洋服の色が全体的に黒が多かったり?


—でも、ヒロシさんが手掛ける“fragment design”で、例えば《リーバイス®》“501®”の別注はツイストした感じというか、“今”らしい感覚がかなり反映されているんじゃないかって思ったんですけど。


—The cars that you, Hiroshi, have ridden so far, or own, has removed the “three point star,”、an all matte black coloring, or I have heard you have done an original D.I.Y., what kind of arrangements have you added to the Range Rover Vogue?

At this stage, nothing, it is in its original form. I have thought of changing at some point in time, but it would just end up the same like before. I kind of think it would be fine if I just made everything black. But this time, I think that it would be good to ride normally and keep it as is for a while, and to maybe customize only a little.
And the interior is well made at the normal state, but it is only my car in the world with an official order of a brown interior and black exterior at the company; it would be different if someone had it painted on their own. Originally, with a black exterior, there only was white and burgundy combination leather. I wear denim a lot so I did not want to stain the white, so I wanted a brown interior, but then there was only a champagne gold exterior lineup. But, the company said that they could do a black exterior, so I specially requested it.

—When choosing the type of a char, or customizing it, does it link with your creation? For example, are the clothes you create most often black? 

They aren’t linked. You choose a car once, and when you customize it, it is like that for four to five years, but for clothes, you like black at the time, then half a year later, you like navy. It would be interesting to change your car by feeling and trends. For clothes, I have a longer span compared to other people. I always am wearing a similar outfit (Laughs.) When designing, I do put in different tastes that I like at the time. What I wear tends to not change much. I moved recently, and my friend was organizing my clothes, and it was so many of the same thing. How many gray sweaters did I have? (Laughs.)

photo01 —But I think “fragment design” which you created greatly reflects the “current” quality, or “twist,” for example seen in your made-to-order Levi’s ®“501®”items.

That’s true, but that also has to do with timing as well. The “501®” was probably good because it was at that moment in time, because it was the season where other clothing stores were all releasing narrow denim as well. Everyone has their own timing, setting their marketing strategy, and it is interesting to then create basing off of that, but for me the personal aspect is more prominent. For people not too close with me would probably say that it is all calculated, but really that is not the case. In fact, it is quite the opposite. For me if I can continue to make music and clothes at the same time on my own terms, that would be the best.

