


WTAPS ® とは違う、作家性のあるアイテムを創作するのが、この“FORTY PERCENTS AGAINST RIGHTS ® Media guerrilla(以下FPARMG)”。 洋服のディレクターというより、個人的な活動という側面のほうが強いかもしれません。コンセプトは「Media guerrilla」という言葉にあるように水面下での活動でありながら、メディアを使いアイロニックなメッセージを発信してゆくことです。例えばTシャツもある種メディアであるようにそういった誰もが手にしやすいアイテムにメッセージを綴っています。このプリントの“TEASIE & MISCHIEVOUS.”であれば、世の中に対していたずらをしたいというメッセージ。“Go all out.”は、やれるものならやってみろ! という意、テレビの中に“ill”と記したグラフィックは、テレビから発信される情報を鵜呑みにすることは病的、といったメッセージをシニカルに発信しています。 なのでWTAPS ® とは異なる“言葉を使った活動”といえます。

img_tet PHOTO Shusei Tsukahara Studio TAC Inc.


FORTY PERCENTS AGAINST RIGHTS ® Media guerrilla(FPARMG from here on) creates items with a more literary content different from WTAPS ®. Maybe the aspect of a personal activity is stronger than a director of clothing. The concept is “Media guerrilla”, and like these words, the activity is below the surface and is to release ironic messages using media. For example, t-shirts are a form of media, and messages are written on items like this which anyone can get a hold of easily. In the case of this print “TEASIE & MISCHIEVOUS.”, the message is wanting to do mischief towards this world. For “Go all out.”, the meaning is “do it if you can!” and the graphic with “ill” on the TV has a cynically released message of how it is sick to swallow whole the information released from television. So you can say that it is an “activity using words” different from WTAPS ®.


The immediate effectiveness and ease to mass produce is the reason why we use silk screen as a communication tool. I think silk screened t-shirts are a very effective method in the aspect of delivering current thoughts fast and broad as a message. T-shirts are something seen daily by people, and move with the person wearing it, so the way it is seen changes depending on the person wearing it. It is a very interesting entity as a medium to convey a message; while the statement is strong, it is not like I am mad at the world or anything, and I do not think about strongly agitating people that see it. But, messages with cynicism are interesting as a form of expression, right? Depending on the person, it is different how they grasp the world or media, so I just feel it would be nice if people can enjoy it with their various interpretations. Since I am Japanese, expressing in Japanese may convey the message easier, but from the point of conveying a message to many people, I feel that English works best. Actually, there is also the realization of “words and expression like this being released from Japan” being acknowledged by those in the English speaking world.

PHOTO Shusei Tsukahara Studio TAC Inc.

FPARMGは元々、1993年にスケシンと一緒に始めて、WTAPS®を立ち上げる1996年まで行っていたプロジェクト。2009年に「Media guerrilla」というコンセプトを軸に活動を再開しました。シルクスクリーンのTシャツやポスターなどを中心に作るという活動は一貫して変わっていません。ただ、手法は当時と同じですが、メッセージや表現はより今の時代を風刺したものになっていますね。今回の写真にも出ている“DON’T WASTE OUR TIME”のTシャツなんかは原発を意識したものです。今回の写真撮影はそのようなTシャツのメッセージに合わせて、写真家の塚原周成くんと試行錯誤しながら、スモークを焚いたり火炎瓶を使ったりと、過激な演出で仕上げていきました。メッセージだけでは極めて個人的な感情を表現しているので、実際にストーリーを写真で表現することで、より伝えたいことを感じてもらえると思います。また、出来上がった写真を元にさらにメッセージを付け加えて、写真自体の作品性も高めました。写真に写るTシャツのメッセージやグラフィック、それに合わせて作り出したアートワーク、新たに付け加えたメッセージなどを受け取ってもらいつつ、自分なりの解釈や表現を楽しんでもらえればと思います。

FPARMG was originally started in 1993 with Skatething; it was a project that took place until the launch of WTAPS ® in 1996. In 2009, activities started back up under the concept of “Media guerrilla”. The activity of mainly creating t-shirts and posters with silk screen is something that has not changed and has been consistent. The methods are the same as back then, but the messages and expressions are satires of more this age. The t-shirt “DON’T WASTE OUR TIME” in this photo is something nuclear-conscious. To go along with the message for the t-shirt, the photo shoot was done with the photographer, Shusei Tsukahara, through trial and error using smoke, Molotov cocktails, etc. to finish it off with a radical touch. The message on its own is an extremely personal feeling expressed, so by expressing a story using a photograph, I think you can feel more of what I am trying to say. Also, taking the photograph created and adding a message to it enhances the nature of the photograph itself as a piece. It would be great if people can accept the message, graphics, specifically created artwork, and the newly added words, while enjoying interpreting it and expressing it in their own way.

西山 徹
Tetsu Nishiyama a.k.a. TET / BLITZ Director

1974 Born / Raised in Tokyo
1996- WTAPS®
