




 それこそ、資料として写真集もオフィスにあったんです。「何でカバン屋なのにミリタリーの写真集があるんだろう?」とか当初は思っていましたね。ロバート・キャパがヘミングウェイのサファリジャケットを着ている姿を撮影した写真集とか。「ヘミングウェイが着ていたのは、NYのアバクロっていうブランドの服だぞ」とか先輩に教えてもらったり。そういう気になる写真集の作家名とタイトルをメモして、嶋田洋書とかで立ち読みするわけです。昔の洋書って高かったから、お店の人に「子供がその本の価値わかってるのか、高いんだぞ」みたいな目で見られて。その頃に、先輩たちから「写真集は高いから、お店の人に聞いてから見ろよ」とか本の見方とかも教えてもらったと思います。今思えば、そういうことも先輩のおかげですね。 それで1年ぐらい経ってデッサン画を書くようになって、1日中書いていた時期がありました。年に何回か展示会の資料用に小さなカバンの絵を書くことがあるんです。しかも全部手書きで、1個のカバンを書くのにものすごい時間がかかるんです。でも、先輩に“もう一回り大きくして”とか“これステッチ荒いね”とか言われて、ダメ出しされて。今だったらPCでできるし、当時は写植屋に出すことも許されなかったので、展示会前は毎日その作業をしていましたね。

And then, did you join YOSHIDA KABAN after graduated the school?

After I came to Tokyo, I suddenly saw too many cool street people in Shibuya and I got shocked a lot, therefore, I looked for different way with them.
Naito got a job of stylist assistant. When I was thinking of my job, I read the interview of fashion industry people in POPEYE magazine. In that article, it introduced the person of YOSHIDA KABAN and he said we have a school to teach hand sawing and making bags in Asakusa where is nothing special happening back in days.
I just visited there and I asked “I checked POPEYE magazine, Do you still open that school?” “We don’t do that!!” staff answered me, “What??"
Then I found out that they had a just class for customer to make bags by handmade, not the school. At that time, I looked over the office, and
I felt the gap between their atmosphere and old Japanese stereo type bag company. That was so interesting to me. And the second, I brought my resume, and then they accepted me as part-time worker.
The first job was put some paper into the bags to keep the shape. I assisted to the professional guy to study it for half year. That job was not so easy though. If there is the space on corner of bag, we have to reshape that part returned from the back of the stitch with the paper. Once you've done perfectly, I felt so good. And now, I think that experience became good training to be able to see the size and the capacity of the bag instantly.

After that, I joined to design team. But the work that I allowed to do was putting name tags and counting each trims every day because we didn’t make many product before, so we kept all materials by ourselves... Now, the trim supplier keeps them all.
The people at design team had worn great vintage clothes, so I was happy just to see. We took off our shoes while we were working at the office by then, so there are lots of rare sneakers in the shoe locker like Converse or Keds shoes which manufactured before WWII. I was just amazed about it.
Moreover, there was a lot of literature books. I wondered at the beginning “Why the bag company has military photography books?” And also, Robert Capa's photographs book that he photographed Ernest Hemingway wore safari jacket. Senior told me "The name of the safari jacket which Hemingway wore is Abercrombie & Fitch from NY!" I had started to note name of photographer and book title, and browse in a bookstore like SHIMADA YOSHO (Imported book store).

